One World Wisdom





The angels have been telling us for some time that there would be an event that would break the heart of the world. We did not know what it was, only that many people would be involved. and that it would touch the hearts of everyone. We also knew that there would be a rallying of believers everywhere who would participate in the rebuilding. You are the ones who will help through love, prayer, and presence. You will assure those who cannot understand, that God is still there and that his angels are everywhere teaching, healing, and loving. Keep writing your angels. They will be your intermediaries when you don't understand. And remember, this time is not about how to fear, it is about how to LOVE.

Blessings to you all, Barbara and Trudy

We talked to our angels: Tuesday, September 11, 2001

Dearest Angels, What is happening???

More than you would ever know. How could we tell you such a thing would happen when this is the turning point of thinking for the whole world? This is the time when the polarity of earth comes out into the realization of its own power. Good/Evil. Hate/Love. War/Peace. God/NoGod. How could we have told you? You have said over and over, "What is our path? What is happening? Why do we feel like we are being prepared for something and we have no idea what it is?" We have said that you are not to know because this time had to come in order to change the minds of man. Be assured that this is a total change from ego, money, political ideology, and awareness. From this day forward, nothing will ever be the same. "Big" is over. "More" is over. Awareness will become truth. People who never prayed before are praying today. In other "wars" there were no graphic pictures. There was no television coverage of Pearl Harbor. No camera beamed the horrors of Nagasaki and Hiroshima around the world as an atomic bomb was turning beautiful cities into dust. No television set showed D-Day on the shores of France. Your motion picture directors have tried to give reality to these events, but there is no way the horror of those moments can be recreated by man. It is always worse and always better. Better? Yes, there is no love on earth that is given more freely than in times of war or conflict. Believe it or not, this day is about LOVE, not HATE or war. Trust in what you have been taught and in what you believe! Trust that you have been trained to be part of the team of angels on earth who will teach, teach, teach, about what we are about for many seekers are going to be turning to you for answers. Teach your wonderful teachers that this is their work. They are going to be keeping mankind informed as to how much God loves them in spite of how it appears. There is no reason to fear, there is only reason to go to work teaching that God's love will sustain them through this time of change. You are going to also teach that no one can predict what will happen in the future because no human being can see the enormity of the reasons behind the events. It will be spoken of on television and in magazines and newspapers about how horrible it was and what the government should have done or known, or how it could have been averted. Do not listen to such blame, for no person could possibly out plan God's reason for what happens. Remember when you fell down and hurt your feet and knees and you asked us why it happened? We told you then that in order to come into balance, you must go from one extreme to the other so that you can come back to the midline and be calm, intelligent, and fair. It is the way. The United States, and other countries who live with abundance have become complacent and have ignored the cries of the dying and the hungry because they have no base for such knowing. Even the well meaning did not know what to do. Here there is help and hope. Here there is always an element of choice in every living style. Your homeless souls in the United States have a better life than millions of people in other places. In other places there is no hope, and there is no choice. There is only survival. The world is not about the countries that have. The world is about the countries that have not. The world is not about this country and that place. The world is about thousands of millions of loving beings becoming one in love. This is a day to remember, but it is not the worst day. This is the Big Boom! As the universe was created, so is this day of new thinking and awareness. This is the day of caring about others, not in you little pretensions and worries. Today is about prayer and asking God to intervene in all things. Many will be happy about your country being wounded and scarred today, but others will see that if the greatness of the United States is shaken and destroyed, there will be an effect down unto the least of those who breathe. Have you noticed that other conflicts have begun by picking on the least of those able to retaliate? WWII for the US began with attacking islands in the Pacific. In Europe it began by a powerful force taking over land in the middle of Europe which had no ability to truly defend itself. Big countries/forces took over smaller ones with no force. This is not the same. This has been started from the top down. War was not declared today on the United States, it was declared on God's world! You will be his warriors and will teach that in order to win this "war" people must open their arms to whatever will be presented to them. Each soul will be asked to help those who need it. The world will become a horror of fear from today forward. You will help those who believe in the glory of God and in the rightness of all things. Be aware of your place and your work. Teach your students and seekers that God is the answer and every angel in heaven is working on earth today. Do not be afraid. Be ready to do what is needed. Be ready to move forward in love and patience and faith and teach those who question God's will and let them know that there is a bigger plan. What is happening is not about the events of this day--it is about changing how people think about each other. You cannot see those huge building collapse and not think about the people inside of them. You saw hundreds of pictures of other horrors and did not even think twice about them. You said, "That is too bad," and completed your dinner. Today you are paying attention. Pray, pray, pray. Pray for those who have died. Pray for those who have survived. Pray for the people in the planes. Pray for the pilots who fought with their lives to stop those who took over their planes. Pray for those who must search for the dead. Pray for the victims who did NOT die, for they truly will be the most wounded and scarred of all. And pray for yourselves. Pray for the knowledge of God's will for you and the power to carry it out. It is the time for all people of LOVE to band together to help. We will guide you to your work. We bless you, we love you, and we are with you. All is not lost. It is a turning point. The Angels and the ALL