One World Wisdom


Len Horowitz

September 12, 2001

My dear friend,
We, like most Americans, are now processing shock and dismay over the September 11, 2001 "Attack on America." In the business of collecting and disseminating intelligence regarding various forms of terrorism, we have been predicting such horrific realities for months, even years. To have these prophesies manifest, leaves remorse beyond description. My colleagues and I are additionally pained by our collective inability to stop the generally unrecognized forces of evil orchestrating these events. Forces we have identified and continue to professionally expose.

On this ìmorning after,î following a day of tragic losses, the last glimmer of hope that Americans might be shaken out of complacency, even by these horrific attacks on our homeland, is now gone. Filling this void, we are simply aghast by the manner in which the mainstream news media is spinning the publicís mind. We, like more sheep to slaughter, are being directed more, rapidly now, for the emergence of a New World Order out of this chaos and coming cataclysms.

What do I mean by media spin? Did you know that our government's and media's supposed greatest nemesis, said to be responsible for most terrorist attacks against the United StatesóOsama bin Ladenótook his direction and money from the CIA. This implicates also the British Ol garchy s MI6.
(See story at

What's next? With great graveness of heart, I must inform you that this saddest of times marks a new beginning for more horrendous terrorist attacks, environmental catastrophes, and politically contrived intoxications of highly susceptible populations. . . . Especially those living in urban America.

My first recommendation is for you to work through your remaining shock and denial. You may then be prepared to responsibly address, for your childrenís sake if not your own, the genocides to come.

What else can you do to prepare and protect your family?

Know and understand the nature of the enemy, and the dangers posed by this stealth beast.

Shortly, I will be e-mailing you more on this subject. I will continue to work to keep you abreast of the latest intelligence we gather that can help you and your loved ones be safe, and save lives.

In the meantime, if you have not yet purchased my new book, "Death in the Air: Globalism, Terrorism, and Toxic Warfare," it is urgent that you get a copy as soon as possible.
You may do so by clicking on
This text provides all the documented intelligence you need, and in-depth analysis, that may be crucial to you and your family's survival in the months ahead.
God bless you, our bleeding country, and our troubled world.

Sincerely yours in sadness, Len Horowitz